Field Guide to the Birds of Australia: The Most Complete One-Volume Book of Identification

The Most Complete One-Volume Book of Identification

Cover Art for 9780691049953, Birds of Australia by Ken Simpson, Nicolas Day
ISBN: 9780670904785
Publisher: Viking Australia
Published: 27 May, 1993
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Links Australian Libraries (Trove)
10 other editions of this product
Saving: Saving: $96.61 or 87%

Fourth edition of a portable field guide which accompanies the fourth edition of TBirds of Australia'. Revised and expanded to include an illustrated rare bird bulletin, an Australian island territories checklist, 52 additional or replacement black-and-white drawings, and changes to 93 distribution maps. Also provides information on the taxonomy, habitat and biology of each bird family as well as covering such topics as prehistoric birds, and DNA-DNA hybridisation. Referenced and indexed.

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