Marmac Guide to Houston and Galveston

Cover Art for 9780939944033, Marmac Guide to Houston and Galveston by Dale Young
ISBN: 9780939944033
Publisher: Marmac Publishing Company, Incorporated
Published: 1 March, 1986
1 other edition of this product

Discover Houston, the most exciting city in Texas, and Galveston, one of the oldest cities in the state. This concise guide provides all the visitor will need to know about both cities, including accommodations, resorts, restaurants, transportation, and shopping. This guide features detailed evaluations to assist the traveler and resident alike. Houston is an international city, where the locals have a penchant for outdoor activities, sporting events, and the arts. Galveston, much of it recently restored, offers the history of the buccaneer days and the excitement of a port town. A calendar of special events and suggestions for city tours and day excursions complete this comprehensive source book.

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