Hard Copy

A story of girl meets printer

Cover Art for 9781035906451, Hard Copy by Fien Veldman
ISBN: 9781035906451
Publisher: Apollo
Published: 2 July, 2024
Format: Paperback
Language: English
2 other editions of this product
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This is a story of Girl Meets Printer. A customer service assistant spends her long workdays printing letters. Her one friend is the printer and, in the dark confines of her office, she begins to open up to him, talking about her fears, her past, her hopes and dreams. To her, it seems like a beautiful friendship is blossoming. To her boss, it seems like she’s losing her mind. Diagnosed with burnout and placed on leave, she faces severance and – worse – separation from her beloved printer. But she’s not about to give up on her only friend without a fight. And, it turns out, neither is he… Weird, incisive and unforgettable, Hard Copy is a debut novel from a promising new Dutch author, perfect for fans of Sayaka Murata and Halle Butler.

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