Assistant to the Villain Book 2
Assistant to the Villain #2
Hannah Nicole Maehrer
Once Upon a Time meets The Office in Hannah Maehrer's laugh-out-loud viral TikTok series turned novel, about the sunshine assistant to an Evil Villain... and their unexpected romance. From the creator of the viral TikTok videos about the sunshine assistant to the evil villain and their unexpected romance comes the second book in the hotly-anticipated fantasy romance series. Readers can't wait to get their hands on a copy- 'I have never been so hyped for a book before' 'I will be buying this book so quickly even the dragon will be spooked!!' 'OMG finally!! I can't wait to have it in my hands!' 'As soon as it is out, I am going to run to buy it!! Cannot wait.' 'Giggling. Kicking my feet. I can't wait to read this!' 'I love this series so much, I've been hooked since the beginning. I'm so excited for the book.' 'I love Evie and the Villain so I NEED it.'
Part of the series Assistant to the Villain
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