Sourcery: Discworld: The Unseen University Collection

The Unseen University Collection

Discworld #5
Cover Art for 9781473200166, Sourcery: Discworld: The Unseen University Collection by Terry Pratchett
ISBN: 9781473200166
Publisher: Hachette
Published: 6 February, 2014
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
33 other editions of this product
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There was an eighth son of an eighth son. He was, quite naturally, a wizard. And there it should have ended. However (for reasons we'd better not go into), he had seven sons. And then he had an eighth son... a wizard squared... a source of magic... a Sourcerer. Sourcery sees the return of Rincewind and the Luggage as the Discworld faces its greatest - and funniest - challenge yet.

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