Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden

Nate the Great

Rosamond is visiting Scandinavia when she loses something. She wants Nate the Great to find it, even though he doesn't know what she lost, what country she lost it in, or when she lost it. And he's thousands of miles away. But if Nate doesn't take the case, Rosamond plans to hire the King of Sweden. Nate doesn't want Rosamond to bother the poor king. And he does want the chance to solve his first-ever international case. Can Nate find whatever Rosamond lost without leaving his neighborhood?

Booko found 8 book editions

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Jun, 2013

Jun, 2013

Aug, 2012

Aug, 1999

Apr, 1999

Jan, 1998
New: $122.25

Used: $23.74
United States Apr, 2006
New: $9.60

Used: $18.69
Mar, 2001
New: $33.04

Used: $47.79

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