Contemporary Nursing

Popular for its comprehensive but concise overview of the issues facing nurses today, this text is designed to help you prepare for the dynamic world of modern health care. This edition is fully revised and updated, giving you the most practical, balanced preparation for the issues, trends, and management topics you'll encounter in practice.Chapter features identify the most important concepts in each chapter and help you study more efficiently.Website references in every chapter direct you to online resources for additional learning.Critical Thinking Questions challenge your understanding and help you perfect your analytical skills.A NEW chapter on Budgeting Basics for Nurses prepares you for participation in the budgeting process, an increasingly common responsibility for nurses in the clinical setting.An expanded Workplace Advocacy chapter familiarizes you with the benefits and challenges of collective bargaining.New content helps you clearly identify compassion fatigue and presents strategies for prevention.Expanded coverage of nursing educational programs identifies new opportunities available to you for career growth and development.An updated chapter on the NCLEX-RN„¥ examination incorporates the 2007 NCLEX test plans to help you master the exam and become licensed.Increased emphasis on the uninsured population highlights changes to the U.S. healthcare delivery system affecting you

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