The Vampire Armand

The Vampire Chronicles

The previous volume of the Vampire Chronicles, Memnoch the Devil, was called 'a modern Paradise Lost' by the Washington Post. Taking the Vampire Lestat from fiction into legend, it left him lying in a New Orleans convent, at the edge of death. Magnificent and electrifying, this new volume in the Vampire Chronicles returns to the glittering story of Armand, mesmerizing leader of the vampire coven at the eighteenth-century Theatre des Vampires in Paris (seductively played by Antonio Banderas in the film of Interview with the Vampire). Snatched from the steppes of Russia as a child, and sold as a slave in Renaissance Venice, Armand's story sweeps through several hundred years, to New Orleans at the end of the twentieth century, where Lestat lies waiting for immortality, and the legend continues to grow. . . . .

Booko found 20 book editions

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Jul, 2000

Oct, 2016
New: $21.99

United Kingdom Apr, 2010
New: $24.03

Used: $22.57
Nov, 2008
New: $410.21

United Kingdom Oct, 2001
New: $15.99

Oct, 2000
New: $21.48

Used: $16.95
Oct, 1999
New: $166.49

Used: $15.24
Aug, 1999
New: $48.90

Used: $23.94
Jun, 1999

Used: $38.56
Oct, 1998
New: $64.94

Used: $29.10
Oct, 1998

Used: $84.45
Oct, 1998
New: $133.99

Used: $49.52
Oct, 1998
New: $130.07

Used: $36.61
Oct, 1998
New: $206.44

Used: $21.43
Oct, 1998
New: $66.32

Used: $36.68
Oct, 1998

Oct, 1998
New: $150.99

Used: $35.36
Jan, 1998
New: $215.00

New: $384.21

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