The Prophet

The Survivalist

Behind the men who shaped history are the heroes who forever changed it. In The Prophet Francine Rivers tells the story of Amos, a man of solitude who felt at home among the hills, a man of conviction who heard when God called, a man of fortitude who spoke to a nation unwilling to listen. Before the Israelites rebelled against God and were devoured by war, they were warned by Amos, a prophet who refused to turn away.

Booko found 10 book editions

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Dec, 2016

Dec, 2016

Dec, 2016
New: $28.89

Nov, 2007
New: $254.21

Used: $59.23
Oct, 2007
New: $168.49

Used: $29.62
Aug, 2006
New: $83.94

Used: $25.34
Jul, 2006
New: $9.99

Jan, 2006

Used: $256.61
Jul, 1905
New: $31.03

Used: $15.44

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