Flashman in the Great Game

Flashman Papers #5

Celebrated Victorian bounder, cad, and lecher, Sir Harry Flashman, VC, returns to play his (reluctant) part in the Indian Mutiny in the fifth volume of the critically acclaimed Flashman Papers.

Booko found 37 book editions

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Jun, 2015

May, 2015

Apr, 2013

Feb, 2006
New: $58.89

Sep, 1989
New: $45.50

Jan, 1975

New: $57.93

New: $65.89

May, 2015
New: $35.99

May, 2015
New: $25.93

Apr, 2013

Jun, 2012
New: $5.27

Dec, 2011
New: $13.99

Dec, 2011
New: $12.99

Feb, 2006
New: $25.63

Used: $18.85
May, 1999
New: $156.08

Used: $16.47
Oct, 1996

May, 1996

Used: $10.99
Jan, 1995

Sep, 1989
New: $30.82

Used: $17.91
Jun, 1985

Used: $98.61
May, 1981

Used: $14.94
Jan, 1978

Used: $12.97
Apr, 1977
New: $160.34

Used: $24.96
Apr, 1977

Nov, 1975
New: $218.64

Used: $44.04
Oct, 1975
New: $366.75

Used: $46.05

Jan, 2013

Used: $38.88
Nov, 2011
New: $100.84

Used: $42.79
Aug, 1999
New: $60.31

Used: $27.56
Jul, 2012
New: $45.44

Used: $47.05

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