
Miss Marple #11

In Agatha Christie’s baffling detective story, Nemesis, a letter from a dead man instructs Miss Marple how to conduct an investigation into a puzzlingly unspecific crime.

In utter disbelief, Miss Marple read the letter addressed to her from the recently deceased Mr. Rafiel—an acquaintance she had met briefly on her travels. He had left instructions for her to investigate a crime after his death. The only problem was, he had failed to tell her who was involved or where and when the crime had been committed. It was most intriguing.

Soon she is faced with a new crime—the ultimate crime—murder. It seems someone is adamant that past evils remained buried. . . .

Booko found 65 book editions

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Jan, 1994

Used: $13.22
May, 1991

Used: $12.95
Jan, 1972

Used: $30.84
Jun, 1971
New: $90.62

Used: $27.67
New: $89.44

Used: $38.13
Apr, 2021
New: $14.85

Feb, 2020

Apr, 2005
New: $82.34

Oct, 2000
New: $216.94

Used: $262.08

Used: $28.98
New: $462.00

Used: $29.19
Jan, 1991
New: $31.83

Used: $19.79
May, 2019
New: $67.30

Jun, 2021

Used: $36.85

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