Burnt Offerings

Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter

Anita Blake, vampire hunter - sharp, sassy, sexy and good fun, finds she's sharing a bed with the Master Vampire of the city. So it hits close to home when an arsonist begins to target vampire-owned businesses all over the town.

Booko found 8 book editions

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Jan, 2010

Jan, 2010

Sep, 2002

Jan, 2010
New: $124.88

Used: $53.22
Dec, 2007
New: $137.98

Used: $74.95
Sep, 2002
New: $20.17

Used: $17.18
Dec, 2000
New: $41.84

Used: $13.46
Jan, 1998
New: $106.99

Used: $16.82

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