
Hyperion Cantos #1

A pilgrimage to the realm of the Shrike, a part-god/part-killing machine, provides the travellers the forum to tell their incredible stories

Booko found 78 book editions

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Apr, 1991
New: $223.11

Used: $29.86
Jul, 1990

Jul, 1990

United States Jan, 1990
New: $20.29

Used: $35.97
May, 1989
New: $46.12

Used: $32.51
May, 1989
New: $1,380.46

Used: $673.37

Nov, 2015

Sep, 2009
New: $37.11

Used: $53.78
Jun, 2005

Oct, 1993

Oct, 1991

Used: $111.31
Aug, 2014

Sep, 2014

Nov, 2011

Sep, 1999

Jan, 1992

Used: $68.11

Sep, 2014

Nov, 2011

Oct, 1993

Jan, 1991

Jan, 2015

Nov, 2000
New: $43.43

Used: $63.36

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of Hyperion.