Chaos in Death

In Death #33.5

When three recovering addicts are found brutally murdered, a police sketch based on eyewitness testimony reveals the killer has green skin, swollen red eyes, goblin ears, and a dislocated jaw-structure that defies the human form.

Booko found 17 book editions

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Feb, 2019

Sep, 2017

Mar, 2013
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Mar, 2013
New: $6.99

Sep, 2011
New: $121.25

Jan, 1994

New: $49.93

New: $130.74

May, 2014
New: $137.80

Used: $78.10
Aug, 2012
New: $37.75

Used: $40.77
Sep, 2011
New: $174.95

Used: $10,857.96
Sep, 2011

Used: $251.89
Sep, 2011

Used: $75.21
Sep, 2011

Used: $102.22

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