Good Cooking Every Day

Simple recipes. Beautiful menus. All year round.

Cover Art for 9781761263330, Good Cooking Every Day by Julia Busuttil Nishimura
ISBN: 9781761263330
Publisher: Pan Macmillan Australia
Published: 24 September, 2024
Format: Paperback
Language: English
2 other editions of this product
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'Every meal is something to celebrate - a casual gathering with friends, a weeknight dinner, a long birthday lunch in the garden. It doesn't matter what the occasion, there is an unspoken joy in sharing food with others.' Julia Busuttil Nishimura is one of Australia's best-loved food personalities, renowned for her generous, uncomplicated, seasonal cooking. Good Cooking Every Day is all about simple food and creating memorable meals. This collection of brilliant recipes includes a guide to creating menus for any occasion, from a celebration of summer produce to pure comfort food in cooler weather, a simple family dinner to a relaxed lunch with friends. Julia pairs ingredients in harmonious and delicious ways, with recipes for every season. This is everyday eating at its very best.

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