Swallows and Amazons

Swallows and Amazons #1

'Swallows and Amazons for ever!' The Walker children -- also known as Captain John, Mate Susan, Able-Seaman Titty, and Ship's Boy Roger -- set sail on theSwallowand head for Wild Cat Island. There they camp under open skies, swim in clear water and go fishing for their dinner. But their days are disturbed by the Blackett sisters, the fierce Amazon pirates. The Swallows and Amazons decide to battle it out, and so begins a summer of unforgettable discoveries and incredible adventures.

Booko found 31 book editions and 2 video editions

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Jul, 2019
New: $48.77

Sep, 2012

Aug, 2012
New: $16.09

Aug, 2012
New: $16.09

Sep, 2008

Jun, 1985

Jul, 1962

Sep, 2018
New: $56.76

Used: $58.16
Aug, 2016
New: $22.64

Used: $17.31
Jan, 2015
New: $29.35

Dec, 2014
New: $14.99

United Kingdom Aug, 2014
New: $15.99

Jun, 2013
New: $159.97

Used: $38.79
United Kingdom Aug, 2012
New: $15.75

Used: $13.17
Jan, 2012
New: $30.99

Used: $68.58
Jan, 2012

Dec, 2011
New: $25.73

Used: $15.55
United Kingdom Oct, 2010
New: $22.17

Used: $15.63
Jul, 2010
New: $49.42

Used: $30.34
Jul, 2005

Used: $37.28
Nov, 2004

United Kingdom Apr, 2003
New: $9.99

United Kingdom Sep, 2001
New: $31.66

Used: $16.32
Jan, 2001

Mar, 1998

Aug, 1995

Jul, 1993
New: $134.99

Used: $13.14
Jan, 1986
New: $32.77

Used: $22.57
Jun, 1985

Jan, 1985

Used: $13.14
United Kingdom Apr, 1982
New: $35.23

Used: $21.21

Used: $91.47
Jul, 2019
New: $39.57

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