
Swallows and Amazons #2

John, Susan, Titty and Roger return to the lake for another summer camping on their island with their old allies, Nancy and Peggy, otherwise known as the Amazon pirates. But immediately disaster strikes when the Swallows find themselves marooned ashore by the shipwreck of their boat. But if they can't have the island, there's always Swallowdale, the secret valley, hidden from the world and containing an extra secret concealed within it.

Booko found 28 book editions

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Dec, 2012

Aug, 1992

Jan, 1985

Feb, 2020

Jan, 2020

Sep, 2014

Used: $75.33
Aug, 2014
New: $40.12

Used: $35.25
Aug, 2014
New: $43.40

United Kingdom Aug, 2014
New: $15.99

United Kingdom Aug, 2012
New: $16.99

Used: $16.17
Feb, 2012

Feb, 2012

Feb, 2012

Feb, 2012

Jan, 2009
New: $57.58

Used: $51.49
Jan, 2009
New: $20.39

Used: $79.35
United Kingdom Sep, 2003
New: $9.99

United Kingdom Sep, 2001
New: $23.89

Used: $16.12
Jul, 1993

Used: $15.13
Jan, 1986
New: $34.09

Used: $50.22
Jan, 1985
New: $72.96

Used: $29.71
United Kingdom Apr, 1982
New: $41.61

Used: $26.57
Mar, 1968
New: $228.83

Used: $15.26

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