The Face on the Milk Carton

Janie Johnson series

A photograph of a missing girl on a milk carton leads Janie on a search for her real identity.

Booko found 19 book editions

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May, 2012

Jan, 2007

May, 1993

Jan, 1991

Oct, 2013
New: $27.89

United States Mar, 2012
New: $18.83

Used: $17.58
Sep, 2006

Apr, 2006

Used: $43.73
Oct, 1998
New: $34.29

Used: $10.99
Mar, 1998
New: $85.02

Apr, 1996
New: $133.64

Used: $23.41
Oct, 1994

Used: $29.26
Aug, 1994

Used: $19.99
Oct, 1992

Used: $15.24
Jul, 1991

Used: $66.18
Apr, 1991
New: $143.47

Used: $19.56
Apr, 1991

Feb, 1990
New: $163.54

Used: $35.60

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of The Face on the Milk Carton.