Coyote Waits

Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee

The car fire didn't kill Navajo Tribal Policeman Delbert Nez—a bullet did. And the old man in possession of the murder weapon is a whiskey-soaked shaman named Ashie Pinto. Officer Jim Chee is devastated by the slaying of his good friend Del, and confounded by the prime suspect's refusal to utter a single word of confession or denial.

Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn believes there is much more to this outrage than what appears on the surface, as he and Jim Chee set out to unravel a complex weave of greed and death that involves a historical find and a lost fortune. But the hungry and mythical trickster Coyote is waiting, as always, in the shadows to add a strange and deadly new twist.

Booko found 18 book editions

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United States Mar, 2009

Jul, 1998

Used: $817.49
Jan, 1992

Jan, 1992

Jan, 1991

Used: $73.16
United States Jan, 1990

Jan, 2020
New: $34.96

Used: $23.83
Jun, 2009
New: $127.91

Used: $22.66
Mar, 1993

Used: $16.91
United Kingdom Feb, 1992

Used: $12.60
Jan, 1992
New: $58.38

Used: $16.88
Feb, 1991
New: $59.70

Used: $29.08
Oct, 1990
New: $113.60

Used: $347.11
Jul, 1990
New: $129.18

Used: $34.80
Jul, 1990
New: $144.99

Used: $112.22
Jul, 1990
New: $236.91

Used: $43.01
United States Jul, 1990
New: $41.17

Used: $30.83

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