Hunting Badger

Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee

Three men raid the gambling casino run by the Ute nation and then disappear into the maze of canyons on the Utah-Arizona border. When the FBI, with its helicopters and high-tech equipment, focuses on a wounded deputy sheriff as a possible suspect, Navajo Tribal Police Sergeant Jim Chee and his longtime colleague, retired Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn, launch an investigation of their own. Chee sees a dangerous flaw in the federal theory; Leaphorn sees intriguing connections to the exploits of a legendary Ute bandit-hero. And together, they find themselves caught up in the most perplexing—and deadly—criminal manhunt of their lives.

Booko found 16 book editions

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Mar, 2009

Nov, 1999

Sep, 2010
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Used: $17.14
Feb, 2001

Used: $15.86
Jan, 2001
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Used: $21.10
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Used: $23.10
Dec, 1999

Used: $70.75
Nov, 1999

Used: $89.60
Nov, 1999
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Used: $37.23
Nov, 1999

Used: $40.08
Nov, 1999
New: $110.78

Used: $18.18
United States Nov, 1999
New: $58.53

Used: $29.11

New: $129.53

Used: $36.95

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