1632 series

Key Selling Points- David Weber is the brightest star in the new century's science fiction firmament. His best-selling Honor Harrington novels top all the charts and his thousands of readers grab every book with his name on the cover.- Weber's recent War of Honor was a hardcover general best seller on the New York Times (#8), New York Daily News (#7), Wall Street Journal (#10), Publishers Weekly (#7), and online and chain booksellers' lists. His previous Honor Harrington novel, Ashes of Victory, was also a smash hit national best seller.- Eric Flint is a gifted new star of fantasy and science fiction. His alternate history novel, 1632, is a strong seller in mass market, with an 88% sellthrough, and strong critical praise, as from Publishers Weekly, which called it "gripping and expertly detailed." Everyone who read 1632 will be anxiously awaiting the arrival of this sequel in paperback.- Flint's collaboration with fantasy mega-star Mercedes Lackey and Dave Freer, The Shadow of the Lion, has made his name known to Lackey's large audience.

Booko found 4 book editions

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Aug, 2002

Jul, 2003
New: $21.55

Used: $16.83
Aug, 2002
New: $60.52

Used: $25.22

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