Master Mind of Mars


Former Earthman Ulysses Paxton served Barsoom's greatest scientist, until his master's ghoulish trade in living bodies drove him to rebellion. Then, to save the body of the woman he loved, he had to attack mighty Phundahl, and its evil, beautiful ruler.

Booko found 10 book editions

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May, 2014

Jul, 2003

Nov, 2007
New: $60.12

Feb, 1992
New: $120.62

Used: $21.01
Nov, 1981
New: $194.25

Used: $36.42
Aug, 1977

Used: $41.66
Jan, 1975

Used: $10.99
Sep, 1973
New: $191.92

Used: $33.63
Jan, 1969

Used: $43.10

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