Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days

Revelation Space series

In Diamond Dogs, Richard Swift heads to the planet Golgotha, home to a mysterious structure, which is responsible for the destruction of a starship, and in Turquoise Days, one woman holds the key to preserving life on the plant of Turquoise. Reprint.

Booko found 9 book editions

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Apr, 2020

Dec, 2009
New: $13.99

Dec, 2005
New: $13.99

Oct, 2009
New: $13.99

United Kingdom Dec, 2008
New: $21.62

Used: $22.39
Dec, 2005
New: $26.99

Used: $17.61
Jan, 2005
New: $73.14

Used: $13.39
Jan, 2004
New: $203.21

Used: $13.18
Jan, 2003
New: $198.42

Used: $14.69

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