
Star Trek: The Next Generation Starfleet Academy

Jean-Luc Picard has failed his entrance exam to Starfleet AcademyTM. Now all his plans for the future are gone, and he must make the best of his life in his parents' vineyard. Pressure from his father to become more involved in the family business and the constant fighting with his older brother, Robert, make this life difficult. Jean-Luc's best friend, Louis, tries to cheer him up with an exciting trip, but the future captain's dream of the stars still haunts him. A chance to re-apply to the Academy arises and Jean-Luc must use all his skills to pass the challenging tests. But the greatest risk he faces is the wrath of his father.

Booko found 3 book editions

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Oct, 1995
New: $165.13

Used: $36.17
Oct, 1995

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