Hard Eight

Stephanie Plum Novels #8

In Hard Eight, Stephanie Plum picks up a case a little nastier than anything the wisecracking bounty hunter's seen before. Evelyn Soder and her young daughter have gone on the run, leaving an angry ex-husband who's planning to collect on a child custody bond that will leave Evelyn's grandmother homeless. Stephanie's first clue that there's more to it than that comes in the form of Eddie Abruzzi, a shady local businessman who warns her to butt out of the case. Stephanie doesn't scare easily, but when Abruzzi's henchmen leave a bag of snakes on her doorknob and tarantulas in her car, she has no choice but to call Ranger, the hunky man of mystery whom she already owes too many favors. Steph knows that Ranger will soon be calling in his marker, but with her ex- fianc� Joe Morelli out of the picture, that should be OK--shouldn't it? In the meantime, she's got other fugitives to catch, aided by the usual band of misfits, plus a bumbling correspondence-school lawyer who's developed the hots for Stephanie's sister, Valerie. And Steph's in for a surprise from her mother, who proves she's not above wielding a dangerous weapon to save her daughter's life. Author Janet Evanovich has made a bold move in using a soup�on of child jeopardy to pull this series out of the comfortable but formulaic pattern it was threatening to fall into. It's still funny, and yes, some cars are destroyed, but now there's a real edge of darkness under the humor. Fans needn't fear, t

Booko found 52 book editions

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Sep, 2013

Sep, 2013
New: $50.06

Used: $43.51
Oct, 2011

United States Apr, 2010

Jan, 2007

Used: $33.55
Jan, 2006
New: $164.07

Used: $25.78
Jun, 2005

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Used: $26.22
Aug, 2003
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Used: $31.60
Jun, 2003

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Used: $59.63
Jul, 2002

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Used: $70.34
May, 2002
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Jan, 2002

Jan, 2002

Jan, 2002

Jan, 2001

Jan, 2001

New: $52.93

New: $109.34

Jun, 2014

Oct, 2011
New: $11.99

Apr, 2010

Jul, 2002

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