Beyond the Blue Event Horizon


In Book Two of the Heechee Saga, Robinette Broadhead is on his way to making a fortune by bankrolling an expedition to the Food Factory--a Heechee spaceship that can graze the cometary cloud and transfor the basic elements of the universe into untold quantities of food. But even as he gambles on the breakthrough technology, he is wracked with the guilt of losing his wife, poised forever at the "event horizon" of a black hole where Robin had abaondoned her. As more and more information comes back from the expedition, Robin grows ever hopeful that he can rescue his beloved Gelle-Klara Moynlin. After three and a years, the factory is discovered to work, and a human is found aboard. Robin's suffering may be just about over.... THE HEECHEE SAGA Book One: Gateway Book Two: Beyond the Blue Event Horizon Book Three: Heechee Rendezvous Book Four: The Annals of the Heechee From the Paperback edition.

Booko found 13 book editions

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Nov, 2012

Nov, 2012

Jan, 1982
New: $710.21

Used: $31.32
Feb, 1980

Feb, 1980

Jan, 1980

Nov, 2012

Mar, 2009
New: $35.02

Used: $33.32
Nov, 2000
New: $75.60

Used: $48.35
Jul, 1987
New: $182.54

Used: $36.65
Mar, 1985
New: $161.40

Used: $21.18
Nov, 1980
New: $120.94

Used: $30.00

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