Heidi Heckelbeck in Disguise

Heidi Heckelbeck #4

Heidi Heckelbeck is already a witch-so what will she be for Halloween? Find out in this chapter book that's perfect for beginning readers. It's Halloween in Brewster, and everyone is excited-except for Heidi Heckelbeck. Heidi hates seeing people dress up as witches, as if they know what life as a witch is truly like. When Melanie Maplethorpe decides to be a witch for Halloween, Heidi decides to dress up as Melanie to get back at her. But Heidi takes her Melanie act a little too far, saying and d

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Aug, 2012

Aug, 2012

Aug, 2012
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Aug, 2012
New: $18.33

Used: $19.53

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