
The Courtney Novels

Gunnery Sgt. Jack Coughlin served with the Marines during the drive to Baghdad and has operated on a wide range of assignments in hot spots around the world. Co-writer Donald A. Davis is the author of fifteen books, including four New York Times bestsellers.

Booko found 24 book editions

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Feb, 2022
New: $96.48

Used: $137.04
Jan, 2018

Aug, 2012
New: $228.21

Used: $15.73
Mar, 2011

May, 2009

May, 2009

Apr, 2009

Apr, 2009

Jul, 2018
New: $21.60

Used: $16.16
Nov, 2015
New: $40.86

Used: $42.89
May, 2014

Used: $18.66
United Kingdom Feb, 2011
New: $24.41

Used: $13.98
United Kingdom Feb, 2011
New: $44.41

Used: $12.51
Feb, 2011
New: $9.99

May, 2010

Used: $216.03
United Kingdom Apr, 2010
New: $23.00

Used: $12.64
Mar, 2010
New: $64.50

Used: $17.74
Oct, 2009
New: $27.58

Used: $14.35
May, 2009
New: $150.21

Used: $35.76
May, 2009
New: $43.68

Used: $21.54
Apr, 2009
New: $26.54

Used: $14.99
Apr, 2009
New: $410.21

Used: $13.02
United Kingdom Apr, 2009
New: $75.16

Apr, 2011
New: $147.56

Used: $35.45

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