Bitter Medicine

V.I. Warshawski Novels

Consuelo Alvarado is 16, diabetic, pregnant, and the daughter of V.I.'s friend. When the baby arrives prematurely, both mother and daughter die in the hospital. Suspecting malpractice, V.I. begins an investigation that leads her to a cold-blooded coverup. Now in a tall Premium Edition.

Booko found 24 book editions

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Jun, 2010

Mar, 2006

Mar, 2006

Mar, 1993

Aug, 1987

Aug, 2021

Aug, 2015

Dec, 2012

Dec, 2012
New: $148.21

Nov, 2011

Used: $68.79
Jun, 2010

Jun, 2010
New: $30.99

Used: $23.28
Oct, 2008
New: $12.99

United Kingdom Apr, 2008
New: $22.49

Used: $11.58
Feb, 2008
New: $66.07

Used: $21.00
Jul, 2002

Used: $96.92
Jul, 2001

Jul, 2001

Used: $67.93
Mar, 1989

Used: $59.85
May, 1988
New: $66.26

Used: $20.12
Jan, 1988
New: $32.92

Used: $13.02
Apr, 1987
New: $91.83

Used: $28.05

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