Crocodile on the Sandbank

Amelia Peabody series

Thirty-one-year-old Victorian gentlewoman Amelia Peabody has not only inherited her father's fortune, but she is also blessed with his strong will as well. Now she's headed for Cairo, accompanied by a girl with a tarnished past, to indulge her passion for Egyptology. Little did she know that murder and a homicidal mummy lay in wait for her.

Booko found 24 book editions

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Jul, 2014

Mar, 2010

Jan, 1990

Jan, 1990

Used: $1,106.40
Jan, 1975

May, 2013
New: $23.10

Used: $17.01
Sep, 2011
New: $4.99

Sep, 2008

Used: $113.64
Nov, 2007
New: $78.29

Used: $94.55
May, 2006
New: $20.99

Used: $17.28
Jan, 2003

Dec, 2002

Jan, 2001

Dec, 2000
New: $121.41

Used: $113.26
Dec, 1991

Nov, 1990
New: $531.21

Used: $308.51
Jan, 1988
New: $63.51

Used: $19.85
Oct, 1978

Mar, 1978

Oct, 1976

Jan, 1976

Apr, 1975
New: $668.20

Used: $155.83

Used: $65.44

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