Blue Moon

Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter

Unable to forget her fiance, whom she had left when she could not reconcile herself to his werewolf nature, vampire hunter Anita Blake seeks to prove his innocence when he is falsely accused of rape

Booko found 12 book editions

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Mar, 2010

Mar, 2010
New: $145.01

Used: $257.06
Mar, 2010

Feb, 2010
New: $39.55

Used: $39.80
Dec, 2000
New: $172.21

Used: $12.51
Nov, 1998

Mar, 2010
New: $215.47

Used: $97.79
Mar, 2010
New: $12.99

United Kingdom Feb, 2010
New: $22.67

Used: $17.78
Dec, 2008
New: $171.41

Used: $60.00
Sep, 2002
New: $18.78

Used: $18.66

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