Witness of Gor


Deep within the cells of Treve, a glorious and mysterious city at the center of Gor's struggle for supremacy, awakens a nameless slave girl who will witness events about which others will only dare to whisper. Abducted from Earth and dubbed Janice by her owners, this lovely girl learns the art of obedience and the erotic life that is required of a slave girl while watching the world of Gor tremble with its inner conflict. From her cell Janice can see the city's splendor of majestic snowcapped mountains, a beauty marred only by the on-going struggle between the most powerful cities of Gor, Ar and Cos, and the presence of the Larl guardians awaiting an escapee. When Janice is assigned to care for a mysterious male prisoner the comfortable fabric of her days she has learned to accept begins to tear apart. She knows somehow he has a role in the escalating turmoil outside her bars, but he cannot recall anything of his life before his imprisonment. As her life is put in ever-increasing danger, Janice begins to question who this man she is instructed to care for is and when her ordeal will end. Coinciding with the 40th anniversary of the first book of the Gorean Saga, TARNSMAN OF GOR, E-Reads is proud to release the very first complete publication of all Gor books by John Norman, in both print and ebook editions, including the long-awaited 26th novel in the saga, WITNESS OF GOR. Many of the original Gor books have been out of print for years, but their popularity has endured. Each book of this release has been specially edited by the author and is a definitive text.

Booko found 6 book editions

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Jun, 2016

Apr, 2014

Dec, 2011

Jun, 2007

Jan, 2007

Jan, 2002

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