Tom Gates: Family, Friends and Furry Creatures

Tom Gates #12

In the next hilarious instalment of Tom Gates, Mr Fullerman has a class assignment: a family tree! Tom is ready to learn all about the Gates family, his friends and a furry creature (or two!). But just what is that squeaking sound coming from Toms shoes?

Booko found 10 book editions

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Mar, 2020
New: $23.98

Used: $60.16
Jan, 2019
New: $20.27

Used: $13.42
Jan, 2018

Used: $114.95
Jan, 2018
New: $39.85

Used: $15.06
Sep, 2017
New: $36.23

Jun, 2017
New: $24.55

Jun, 2017
New: $24.55

Jun, 2017

Used: $17.99
May, 2017
New: $6.99

Jan, 2017
New: $29.71

Used: $41.42

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