The Hope of Elantris

The Cosmere #2

Tasked with rebuilding the world after the defeat of the brutal Lord Ruler, former street urchin Vin finds herself worshipped for her Mistborn powers and worries about the strange behavior of the mists since the Lord's death.

Booko found 96 book editions

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Used: $38.07
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Aug, 2014
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Used: $45.42
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Apr, 2010
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Mar, 2010
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Mar, 2010
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United Kingdom Dec, 2009
New: $21.60

Used: $17.50
Dec, 2008

Jun, 2008
New: $53.09

Used: $34.14
Aug, 2007
New: $58.47

Used: $64.09

Oct, 2021
New: $29.06

Used: $45.54
Sep, 2021
New: $80.27

Used: $159.25
Oct, 2018
New: $146.21

Nov, 2016
New: $51.29

Used: $57.33
Sep, 2016
New: $306.08

Used: $1,058.23
Dec, 2012

Dec, 2012
New: $13.19

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