Zombie Swap

Diary of a Minecraft Zombie #4

In this latest Minecraft adventure, 12 year old Zombie and Steve have accidentally switched bodies and must pretend to be each other until they figure out how to switch back. Zombie must go to human middle school and try to figure out the crazy life of a middle school kid. And Steve has to live among the Zombies, Creepers, Skeletons and Slimes of Minecraft, while he pretends to be a Zombie himself!"--Back cover.

Booko found 8 book editions

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Apr, 2015

Oct, 2018
New: $24.88

Jul, 2018
New: $23.66

Used: $24.75
Mar, 2017
New: $12.09

Used: $8.17
Apr, 2015
New: $22.74

Used: $23.10
Apr, 2015
New: $33.97

Used: $36.02
Apr, 2015
New: $23.68

Used: $22.25

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