Seeing a Large Cat

Amelia Peabody series

Amelia is asked for help by an old friend whose husband has fallen for a spiritualist; then a plea arrives from an expat colonel whose daughter is threatened by an unknown enemy, and Ramses, now a headstrong teenager, undertakes an adventure that is guaranteed to turn his mother's hair white!

Booko found 12 book editions

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Jul, 2014

Nov, 2009

Jan, 1997

Jul, 2013
New: $19.93

Used: $23.85
Mar, 2012
New: $10.99

Nov, 2008

United Kingdom Apr, 2007
New: $24.03

Used: $17.11
Feb, 2003
New: $228.36

Used: $15.90
United States Jul, 1998
New: $62.32

Used: $15.42
Dec, 1997
New: $57.31

Used: $24.23
Oct, 1997
New: $173.66

Used: $51.74

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