Rainwater Tank Systems for Urban Water Supply

Rainwater tank systems have been widely implemented in urban areas across the world to provide a local, decentralised water source. The importance of these systems in cities has grown, as water managers seek to provide solutions to capacity constraints of current water supply systems, while reducing the impact of urban development on the natural environment and increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change. Rainwater tank systems are now often implemented under integrated urban water management (IUWM) and water sensitive urban design (WSUD) approaches, which take a holistic view of the urban water system. Rainwater Tank Systems for Urban Water Supply is based on a comprehensive research program that provides the evidence base for expanding scientific knowledge about rainwater tank systems and their role as an auxiliary water supply source in modern urban water systems. In particular the book provides insights and detailed analysis of design, implementation, management, operation, energy usage, water quality and social perceptions.There are currently significant knowledge gaps for the implementation of rainwater tanks systems as part of an integrated approach to managing urban water systems, which include: actual harvesting yield and resulting mains water savings, optimal sizing for rainwater storages and roof collection systems, expected water quality and implications for managing public health risks, modelling tools available for decision support, successful approaches for operation and management of a decentralised asset at the household scale and community acceptance. The approaches and methodologies included in Rainwater Tank Systems for Urban Water Supply inform and validate research programs and provide insights on the expected performance and potential pitfalls of the adoption of rainwater tanks systems as part of an integrated approach to managing urban water systems. The book is suitable for use at undergraduate and post graduate levels and is of particular interest to water professionals who are involved in the strategic water planning for a town, city or a region.It is a valuable resource for developers, civil designers, architects and plumbers seeking to implement sustainable water servicing approaches for residential, industrial and commercial developments.

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